Tuesday, July 19, 2011

giving up on fb

yesterday i deactivated my fb account. this was not a decision i thought or contemplated over for hours/days/months. it was one that happened almost rashly :) although i have appreciated the connection fb has allowed me to have with friends and family around the country. the reality is, i found myself depending on those pseudo connections, updates, pictures, etc. to fulfill my need for connection. when the truth is, i wasn't really connecting with anyone beyond a very surface level. i don't want surface level relationships and i have no desire to pursue an illusion of friendship/connection with people. my hearts desire is to build authentic relationships with people who desire to live life with me; the good, bad, and even ugly.

i may choose to reactivate my account at some point. but, for now, i think the better option is to pick up the phone, send an email, play with my kids, or even set up a date to go out for coffee.

1 comment:

Brooke and Dan said...

Its so true. So often we rely on it for communication and to see what's going on in the world.