Monday, May 11, 2015

another year

as i sit watching the sun rise through the trees i smile in the fact that i have been blessed by another year.  i am in awe of what i have been blessed with.....wait, not just "awe" but supreme amazement.  seriously, who am i?  to be given the gift of a divine love that surpasses all things through Christ. a husband who loves, supports and encourages me in all ways.  my children who look up to me as their mentor, teacher, provider.  my mom,dad, step-mom, brothers who love me for me and know the good, bad and ugly and still show up to celebrate my birthday.  my friends both near and far who remind me i am not alone on this journey and choose to laugh, sing, create, cry alongside me.  i am blessed.  blessed beyond words.  thank you for journeying life with me in all my 37 years.
"You have done so much for me, O Lord. No wonder I am glad! I sing for joy."
Psalm 92:4 The Living Bible

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