Monday, March 30, 2009

the gift of sight

about a month ago i got a letter in the mail from the health department telling me that caleb had failed his vision test and that i needed to take him to have his eyes checked by a professional. first, i was surprised. he hadn't EVER complained about not seeing something. he does very well in school and again had NEVER complained about not being able to see......
so, i arranged for an appointment at eye care one and took him to have his eyes tested. as soon as he found out that he was having his eyes checked i was overwhelmed by his sudden loss of vision and his many questions/statements about glasses and how cool they were. the more he spoke the more i convinced myself that he didn't need glasses but wanted them because he thought they were SO cool. before the appointment began i pulled the doc aside and told him to be on the look-out for any embellished reactions caleb might have for him. he assured me that he would be able to see beyond whatever caleb could throw at him in terms of how accurate his vision was. phew, i thought. until it came time for caleb to read the chart. he read the big "E" and then i watched as my son struggeled, i mean really struggeled, to read the second line. after the appointment the doctor pulled me aside and said, "you can't fake that...".
as caleb put on his new glasses there was a moment of sheer joy as he said, "AWESOME, that's what it looks like over there". for the rest of the day he kept making comments about how crisp everything looked. he loves his new glasses and i am thrilled that he has them and very embarressed that i never realized it earlier. it made me think about how much, as parents, we miss no matter how close we think we are. it was a reminder to be always praying for each of my kids and resting in the fact that they are in their Creators hands.


jen said...

I got glasses in 8th grade but never realized I needed them until I put on my cousin's glasses as a joke and could actually see the individual leaves on a tree for the first time. There was a whole world out there!!!!

BT Laurie said...

Your experience with Caleb brings back memories of our experience with Emily. We got a similar notice and questioned Emily --- who was compensating in the classroom because she was such a good auditory learner. When we got to the eye doctor the doctor asked her to read the letters on the chart - and she said "What chart!?" Russ just about died on the spot!
We recovered when we saw her joy at being able to see detail again --- just like Caleb. He looks quite handsome in his new glasses!