Monday, January 09, 2012

day 9 - if you give a kid a pillow....?

they will make a decorative photo frame/pillow with extra fabric, buttons and ribbon....
 lilly came to me this evening and asked, "mom, do you have a pillow you don't need?  i want to make a craft out of it?"  caleb immediately jumped in and got an old pillow he had (as, at the moment she asked i was in the middle of making dinner and was too busy to accommodate her seemingly silly need).  a little less than a hour later lilly emerged from the craft room with this fabulous piece.   i was shocked!  she did the entire project by herself using scraps of fabric, ribbon, buttons and the all important hot glue gun.  i love this girls brain and her ability to create.  i love my caleb's willingness to jump in and assist and love on his sister.  how did i get so lucky?

1 comment:

grom mom said...

What a bundle of talent. I love the pillow, but mostly I love the beautiful mind and hands that made it. You dind't get lucky Misty. You have been truly blessed.