Monday, June 11, 2012

day 163 - disappointment

as a kid I can remember how hearing the words, "I'm disappointed in you" or "I'm not mad, just disappointed" would cut me to my core. I'm not sure how old I was or even the many circumstances that may have invoked such a response. Oh yeah, maybe I remember a few :) but I remember the pit in my stomach for sure when I knew I had done the wrong thing.

Tonight my kids really disappointed me. As I said those words to them I knew immediately they each understood the severity of what I was saying and each expressed their remorse in their own way. Tears were shed, "I'm sorry's" we're spoken and hugs and "I love you's" were dispersed after what felt like an eternity of emotions.

Feeling such deep disappointment is hard - especially as a parent. It's hard not to feel like you are ultimately responsible for your child's poor choices as they are a direct reflection of you, right? As I have pondered this thought over the course of the evening I couldn't help but wonder what disappointment looks like to God. Is he disappointed in me? In my poor choices? In my lack of faith or trust? In my disobedience? The list could go on and on.... Once the kids go to bed I want to look in scripture and see what the bible says about it. What are your thoughts?

Side note :: happy birthday Jesse! I love you!!

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