Wednesday, July 11, 2012

day 193 - really?

so - this sweet letter came in the mail today!  i'm pretty sure i yelled at the mailbox - my neighbors must think i'm crazy.  it was only 13 months ago i got the same letter and had to call in every day to see if i would need to come in - which i never did.  but, i'm fairly certain i was put into some pool of "people who follow the rules" which is why i have been summoned again.  i can't believe how stuff like this stresses me out.  i get that it is my civic duty to do things like jury duty but i find myself trying to think up crazy things that might make me in-eligible.....

i'm sorry can i re-schedule the date i will be holding an animal sacrifice that week...

i would love to serve on your jury - does it mater that i have a swastika tattooed on my forehead?

can you provide transportation for me - i don't have a car, bike, or scooter...

didn't you hear the olympics are at the same time - i plan on teleporting to the games 

my doctor says i can't serve - he says i'm crazy with a capital C

have you heard of shaun t.? then you know why i can't come - i'm too sore!

again - i will follow the rules and do what i am supposed to do.  anybody have any good jury stories?

1 comment:

Buikema said...

Had to serve mine this week! Lovely calling times!