Monday, July 16, 2012

day 198 - conflict

i will do just about anything to avoid conflict.  however, once i am in the midst of whatever conflict i usually end up surprising myself and my ability.  THEN of course there are those other times where i completely lose my cool and the vein on my forehead pops out - not a good look.

i find myself always impressed by my husbands ability to handle conflict.  his ability to communicate even in the most difficult of situations.  how he keeps his cool and gives people the benefit of the doubt (even those i think don't deserve it).  he listens.  he respects what is said.

as you can probably gather we dealt with a "conflict" today.  i don't feel my blog is the appropriate place to tell all the details, but i did think it the perfect place to celebrate my husband :) and speak to an area that i struggle with.

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