Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 285 - to know and be known

do you have people in your life who really know you?  after a fabulous night out with your dear friends dave said to me, "it's so nice to know and be known".  i have thought quite a bit about that simple statement and can't help but agree.
how often do we feel as though we need to be "on" or give the impression that we are something different than we really are for the sake of the company we are keeping at the time.  i am blessed, beyond words, by those people in my life who "know" me and have allowed me the privilege of knowing them.  i love you jamye and jason and treasure our friendships - thanks for such a fun night out!

1 comment:

Momma Bean said...

And not too often do you find friends where everyone is close. Lots of times the women are close and not the men or vice verses.
I'm happy that you guys have each other :)