Tuesday, February 16, 2010


do you journal? in a way blogging is a sort of journal i guess. i loved to journal and doodle throughout high school and college. i have several pages of written prayers, dramas and nonsense documented on paper. it's fun to go back and read them and remember when life was so less complicated and yet far more dramatic. i can't say i actually stopped journaling however i did change how/why i journal. shortly after lilly was born i decided to start writing to my kids. i have three journals, one for each of them, and in them i write to them and pray for them. i tell them what they are doing or what funny things they are saying sometimes i write concerns or even my own frustrations with them. i used to try to write in one each evening before i went to bed, now i'm lucky if i write in one each week. but, i'm so happy i have them and feel so blessed to see how God continues to move and work within each one of them. one day i hope to give each of them their journals, my hope is that they will receive it as a gift. they are each such a gift to me (at least most days).


Melissa said...

What an adorable and awesome idea!!

Melissa said...

What a neat idea, Misty - and a neat way to see simultaneously how they've grown and how you have, too. I love going through old journals and seeing how God has been ever-present throughout my life.

Unknown said...

This is such a great idea Misty. I hope that one day I can do that with my kids. Journaling is something I have always wished I could make more time for, because when I do it is amazing. I love all of your blogging this month! You are doing great:)