Wednesday, February 10, 2010

thank goodness for snow plows & little boys...

i would like to say a great big thank you to my boys who shoveled our front walk after school and to our wonderful snow plow! of course we pay for the snow plow and the boys didn't complete the job without tears, yelling and a "talking to" from dad. however, at the end of the day i am thankful to know it has been taken care of. speaking of being taken care of, i took care of lilly today. she stayed home sick from school. i thought we had already gotten everything there could be gotten for this winter season, however it seems more infection is lurking. boo! i woke up with her around 2am with a horrible croupy cough and then sat with her the majority of the day. one of the hardest things to observe is your child just lying there willingly. it makes you take back all those times you cursed under your breath at them for being SO full of energy. she is keeping all fingers and toes crossed that she will not have a fever in the morning because she really wants to go to school. tomorrow is there 100th day of school and their valentines day party - she has her clothes already picked out for the occasion. we'll see.

so, more people than i realized actually read this blog **blush**, with that said, i have had several people ask me how our conversation went with lilly about repeating first grade. dave and i told her on saturday morning. based on the advice her teacher (the amazing tracey fritz) we told her that she was asked to be a "first grade expert" next year and that she would be able to help the new first graders in her class next year. at first she was very excited and then like a light bulb going on she began to realize that her friends would be moving on to 2nd grade and that she wouldn't be with them. there were a few tears but in the end we were able to end on a very positive note and she continues to be excited about her new title. thank you to all who prayed for this conversation and we continue to covet your prayers as we try to be the best parents we can be to these munchkins.

1 comment:

The Rummelhoffs said...

Is he shoveling with a garbage can lid? I'd cry too if I had to shovel like that.