where to begin with this one! out of all the kids i feel like he is our most complex...or maybe he is the one i have the hardest time figuring out.
luke is funny -
really funny and yet very unsure of himself. although he can cry easily - he fights hard. he loves to play and will invite anyone to join in on the fun. if he believes he is surrounded by something unfair he will do everything in his power to make it right. he struggles with anxiety yet can come off as though he is the most confident kid in the room. he is very competitive yet struggles with competition. he asks very difficult questions and seems to be
ok when we are unable to give him a
definitive answer. he embodies justice and can become physically ill when he is made aware of a cruelty or injustice whether it be in our house, community or world-wide. he oozes love and compassion. he is a math
wiz and loves to figure out
stategies. my daily prayer for
lukie is that he will find peace throughout his day and not fall victim to his anxiety/worry and that God will continue to build on his innate character to love justice and mercy. he is amazing!
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